Southwest Airlines

  • Ko Southwest Airlines he kaipuke rere nui o Amerika i whakatūtia i te tau 1967. Kei te tūturu mai i Dallas, Texas, ā, ko tēnei he tinihanga mōhiohio o ngā kairere utu whakaputu nui rawa o te ao. Kei te whakahaere a Southwest i ngā haere i ia rā, ka whakamanahia ake rātou ki ngā wāhi 100 i roto i ngā Rīpaina me ngā wāhi ā-iwi. E whakanuia ana te kaipuke mō tōna angitu te whakaraupapa whakaputa-whakaraupapa, ā, kei te whakarato ana i tētahi whakaritenga haerenga tino ngāwari me te tino whāiti. Ko te whakarongo ki ngā kiritaki whakahaere tino whakahirahira me te ahurea ā-turenga hōu tonu a te rōpū.
Southwest Airlines
image of city
Las Vegas
Los Angeles
Rapua ngā utu
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Las Vegas
Rapua ngā utu
image of city
Las Vegas
Rapua ngā utu
image of city
Las Vegas
Rapua ngā utu
image of city
La Guardia
Rapua ngā utu
image of city
Las Vegas
San Jose
Rapua ngā utu
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La Guardia
Rapua ngā utu
image of city
Las Vegas
Rapua ngā utu
image of city
Las Vegas
Sacramento International
Rapua ngā utu